Above the waistline warbelt setup

Currently doing nothing but playing around some weird deviant concepts of loadouts.

above waistline warbelt setup

To make and old-school ammunition belt with modern modular pieces of gear.

Single vulnerable D-ring can be replaced with adapter as Maxped D-pouch, but it increases overall cost of solution. Would be better to replace it with paracord loop or two.

Plate carrier with warbelt – weight distribution, spine support

This is only a draft idea, but can’t contain it. Many similiar solutions already exist – Crye’s StKSS, Mystery Ranch BASE, Virtus system element, BCB load carriage yoke, TYR’s X-frame, TUR Gear PkDLCS. My idea is to make a drop-in addition to any COTS plate carrier and barely any warbelt to add a new feature.

plate carrier war belt weight distribution spine support

Frame is installed into the PC in the way as danglers, hangers and lower asserory pouches are installed, and sits in the plate pocket. To the warbelt it can be connected via PALs or as drop-leg panels, with thw slots on the w.b., not sure, may be even both types for more stability.

Frame sits on the sides of warbelt, not on the back – for more freedom of movement.