Auxiliary Versatile Remora Bag, AVR bag – prototype

Behold! Perhaps the longest my journey from idea to prototype, this bag was nearly completely developed in my mind more than two years ago. And due to my lazyness and other negative traits, it took a 4-5 months even to make a pre-alpha version.

In a few words, it is:
– an additional space;
– located outside the main backpack;
– easily and fast accessible.

Easily recognizable similarity with M3 medic bag is supplemented with concept of medical side pocket for Bergen backpack. Can also be mentioned Eagle AIII additional pockets.

So, assebled it looks like just a shoulder bag.

Unbuckled it can be rolled out.

Now attention, please. With a straps and buckles three corners are connected, to make an elbow-looking bag.

Resulting construction is attached to the backpack, two male buckles on the bag are replaced with their female counterparts.

Somebody can imagine that I am solving the non-existent problem. In my view, this option is welcome addition to the, for example, combat medic toolset, or engineer/EOD, or CBRN specialist, or comms guy. Complementary storage space within easy reach is always an advantage.

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