Padded detachable straps for AUX pack – 2nd prototype

Development process in the evaluation phase indicated some iprovements to be done.

First, padding moved more close to pack.

Second, soft hooks on the pack are re-sewn so they are inserted only forth into buckle, not forth and back.

Note they are sewed now with crossed box pattern, because strap used is too soft.

Third, side-release buckles are now sewn straight. No need to make strap more curvy, it is really good being straight. As so many things in our world, just sayin’.

And I’ve made slots on the strap, not for chest strap, I don’t need it, but for hypothetical small pouch.

Low strap is now a length of strap, not soft hook. Managed with tri-glide and elastic keeper. Tri-glide to maintaing desired length, keeper for no dangling.

Hook-and-loop velcro and soft hook attachment shows sturdy so far.

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